Reading and Understanding the Payouts

Hunting Treasures Slots

Payouts of slots machines are advertised in the payout pages. You don’t have to be a genius to understand these pages but you should take a few minutes to read through them and get the whole idea of the game before you start playing. And if there is the opportunity to play for fun then it is a good idea as you will get the hang of the game and also learn and understand how the payouts work. On 3 reel slots, the payouts tend to be much simpler to understand even if there are bonus trails. The winning symbols can be seen at the side of the screen and will show you what pays what. For example, when there is a 3 coin option there will be a chart with different payouts according to one, two or three coin payouts. For 5 reel slots the payouts become slightly more complex as there are different lines and symbols which pay different amounts according to what lands where and of course how many coins you have bet. Many slots games show you the payout options in terms of lines on a graph and this can be quite useful in understand the configuration of the lines. But the payouts per game and online slots machine are not the only thing to look for and understand when playing online slots. It is also important to check the payout percentages for the casino of your choice. The payout percentage denotes the percentage payout that a casino gives over a period of time. In other words if the payout percentage is 95% then it means that over a period of time which can be a year or less, the slots games and online casino will payout 95% of the money that has been spent at that casino. It might sound very complicated but in fact it makes sense and when you work it out you realize the logic. It is very important not to be mistaken and think that for every $100 you spend, you will receive $95 back, this is not the case as the payout percentage is measured over time and not over your specific game. In and ideal world, if you play a chosen slots game all day every day then you can qualify it like that but we do not live in an ideal world and no one will play that much. At the end of the day, the casino which offer the highest payout percentages together with the best introductory offers and bonus payouts are the ones to choose when looking for the best slots games.